Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Activities which enhance Kids Brain Development!

Jane Kirstein, a special kid from Singapore is really passionate about music but her financial condition stops her from taking music classes and buying music equipment which she could play and make herself happy. Her happiness means the overall development of brain which no medicines can buy. Poverty and inability to buy things definitely stops her from having access to music and musical instrument but is certainly not stopping her brain development and she has shown great progress since she has come in touch with music. Recently, this was a matter of research in the United States in which it was found that music can have a therapeutic effect on special children who find serenity in music.

Experts from the research given a brief report, in which it was concluded: ‘if you have an ear of music, at the same time, ear for speech gets developed too’. This way, kids do not only understand the language of speech but they are actually developing the ear for outer world too, including music. Jane was not alone rather there were kids in the same section who had more or less same kind of problem and also likely to had same solution. With the help of a nonprofit organization, the place managed to provide music classes to kids as a part of Brain Training for Children and 99 percent of the kids showed remarkable development of brain.

Possibly, there are plenty of explanations supporting this behavior. When done detailed study by Child Development School, the reason was found that when we take in some new information through our sensory organs, the neurons get in touch with each other through electric pulses. These pulses are brainwaves which send information to many different parts of brain and helps in overall development of brain.

The next important thing which has been keenly observed by scientists is that the eating healthy food boosts the healthy mind and helps in kids’ brain development. Experts say eating right food helps in brain development. Kids tend to eat something which pleases them and they don’t look for its healthy aspect. Most of foods which kids like are devoid of vitamins and essential nutrients and eating them hardly having any positive impact on the health of kids.

Healthy breakfast is essential to kids as it ensures the whole day energy and maintains their development in many aspects. Studies and researches have proved that the kids who are likely to have regular breakfast do better academically while showing fewer behavior problems in comparison to those who do skip breakfast or do not have healthy one. The breakfast should consist of proteins and vitamin which could be easily digested and gives energy. It maintains the energy level while keeping them active all day and night. Eggs should be included in the breakfast as it helps in development of memory cells in kids. It is said that more cells we have, better would be the memory power.

Kids have varied opportunities to learn many new things and encourage brain development. Even one can find various Brain classes for kids that chiefly laid emphasis upon development of left as well as right brain. Here, many activities have been assigned to perform in a systematic manner which helps in the development of verbal and nonverbal competence such as communication, thoughts and experience to feel and describe events to people. Even there are many kinds of games available in the market which helps in development of brain. The activities keep their brain engaged and helped them in thinking in order to win the game.  


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